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  • Hillary Murphy

I live on, I dive in.

When you meet someone with moles where you have scars… they may be all of the pieces of you that you never allowed to materialize.

Don’t ever let someone tell you that what you learned isn’t good enough

or lead you to believe that whatever you earned won’t lead you to where you want to go.

You learned it because there is something about you, your character, your being that connected with that subject, your dream or your ‘way’ of doing things.

So many people in our country work in jobs that are not in the industry they went to school for.

Here’s the catch, every person who ever discouraged you is still up there in your head telling you, that you can’t do it.

Erase these words, find your own amazing mantras that work for you and repeat those, it it doesn’t work… then put post its everywhere reminding yourself. Eventually the critics words will fall away. There’s always some thought or force “upstream” this is a concept by DeanGrasiozi, and he is right. WHO is the person, the thought, the upstream force that is keeping you from your dreams?

Find it, replace it, and go for it.

I’m not one who can use “I’m going to show them” as a force for my fuel… so instead, I find my own mantra, one that literally is only meant for me and I dive in.

“I live on, and dive in”

Even if someone asks “what does that mean” or says “that doesn’t make sense” when you explain it. Then ask them what their mantra is and what code they live by, and when they don’t have an answer… or make something up on the spot you can tell them.

This is what gets me to my next objective because people like you are always questioning the way I do things but don’t have your own method to your personal madness.

When you do things out of passion and not to achieve fame, monetary things, possessions, etc. your cause will take more strength, because it’s not a tool the devil made to be a horse to a carrot. Make sure you’re not the horse carrying someone else’s carriage.

People constantly look for ways to take advantage of others, and this is how business works. If you have a genuine business plan, you’ll get customers who need your product or service, if you don’t, you’ll have to con them to buy.

Right now in our society loyalty is a huge thing, and it’s because of people who are in-genuine in their business dealings that have caused wise people to build fortresses!

This is so they’re not a part of someone else’s hatred for themselves, and the purpose they decided to reject because it was too hard.

I’m a concept builder, I build ideas, topics, controversies, projects, and social-constructs flow from my head. Everyone sits here judging the fact that I “didn’t do anything” but if you think about it… what would you have done if you didn’t use my ideas?

It’s not what we aren’t, it’s what we ARE that should be respected. Just because I haven’t yet figured out how to monetize it doesn’t mean you need to sit there chastising anyone who has not figured it out yet.

Good for you! You did it! Congratulations to you, and yours I am so truly happy for you!

But I’m also sitting here wondering, why is it that these people attack as if I ruined something for them, when I only gave them things to gain?

I merely pointed out things about yourself that you could not see, because that wasn’t who you were… it was me who studied sociology, who is obsessed with culture and studied social-cultural anthropology, who listens to people’s words and saw what went unsaid…

…and worked in customer service the better part of my life. The one who got out of marketing research for fear of what it would turn into. Well looks like it was inevitable, so I’ll turn around and fix it now that every greedy hand has exploited their communities to the point of no return.

Time for regulation, for real time understanding. For knowing what content is okay to use in market research and what needs to be left to the “sticks” so that people can know the difference between real marketing and fucking manipulation.

So marketing and ads are now so synonymous

With malicious, emotional flaring videos, auspicious jokesters, and un-candid tricks to unsuspecting children that humans can no longer spot a scam or gentrification happening in our social spaces that contain no ethical strongpoints whatsoever?

We are in TROUBLE - other countries are Laughing and taking advantage of US Citizens at EVERY turn, selling low quality goods with dangerous chemicals back to us because of our failure to respect their environments their causes and socio-economic problems.

Here comes the backlash. You best band together and quickly because the land of the AI is approaching and I promise you, you do not have the social skills, habitual demeanor, nor torrid filter to smoke out ANY of the fraud and/or scams that are about to hit the unhinged gates of this great country’s soon to be hell.

Best wake up and smell something because there’s going to be anything but roses to smell when you walk down the streets. If you fail to have the sensibility to talk to your neighbors, to befriend the people around you… and help one another… soon these will be the people stealing and hating right alongside you.

Wake up and support your friend who’s working their ass off to make something happen for themselves.

Write a good review for a shop you’d like to see around in your neighborhood for years to come.

Invite someone you just met to join a new community with you!

Participate! Get out there, the social media is only hurting you.

You have a community there? Great! Build something with them!

Truly yours,

"I live on, I dive in; find peace within"

Hillary Murphy

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